Hello! My name is Katie Kalupson. I’m an art director with a background in editorial design and publication. My clients include TIME Magazine, Ink Global, and Penguin Random House. Please get in touch: kkalupson@gmail.com

Editorial Art Direction (view all)
TIME Mobile UX/UI Case Study (request access)
Design & Art Direction for Digital Platforms (view all)
Time Off Openers (view all)
Editorial Illustrations (view all)

Art directing, illustrating & living well in Brooklyn.
Say hi or send an illustration: kkalupson@gmail.com
formal work experience
-TIME Magazine
-Civic Entertainment Group
-Ink Global
-Defy Culture
-SK Designworks, Inc.
-Penguin Random House
formal education
Fashion Institute of Technology, MFA in Illustration, 2023
Temple University, BFA in Graphic & Interactive Design, 2015
Katie’s work and art direction have been recognized by Communication Arts, American Illustration, Society of Publication Designers, Society of News Design, and the Scholastic Art + Writing Awards Association.
currently reading
The Vaster Wilds by Lauren Groff
Photograph by Victoria Holt